If you are not yet aware of the Year 2000 date dilema, then welcome back from Mars! The YK2000 is the main cause of sleepless nights for software/computer systems engineers this year.
Computers are still a subject to be feared by a large percentage of individuals throughout the world. My Grandmother thinks they're frying my brain, but then again she did try to find the coin slot on my mobile phone. My Nan is not senile just bemused and a little frightened by them [too many late night movies].
What sort of name will computers get if they fail their biggest test to date?
Corporate companies are being a little 'slim' with the truth when it comes to coming clean with their progression on the date change. I tend to think of them as the captain of the Titanic saying "keep calm we have a slight problem" or the "Houston we have a problem" phrase can spring to mind.
Image is everything these days, bluffing your competitors into believing you're ahead of them and then run for the hills when it's all on the fan.
It seems none of the large companies on this planet have experienced any major millennium hiccups or so they'll have you believe. There will be many I.T. administrators biting their nails over the next 10 months.
I have only two words of humble advice:
Planning & Co-operation.
The date change crisis is not just my problem it's yours and your friends and his friends, it's everyone's problem. Planning costs money, contingency back ups don't come cheap. But co-operation is free.
Who gives a hell about a companies stock market value slump today if your investment will not be around come 01,01,00. The year 2000 will be a make or break time for IT.
Another thought I wish to leave you with is the threat of unemployment after the crisis is over. Companies are recruiting double what they will need under the pressure of deadlines they must meet, once the problem has been solved what happens next?